Sunday, September 6, 2009

Our apartment from the outside

Keiko took a bunch of pics of our apartment complex.

Welcome to outside the apartment.

These stair lead up to the parking lot. So we live on the "1st" fl but it's really more like the basement.
The path that leads to the stair from our door.

The opposite direction to the pool and office.
This is the view from our window/patio. It's beautiful, but it has lots of bugs...
"Garbage can"
Outside post boxes

Parking lot
Gate into the complex


Tennis court

Shows how we live in the basement.
Many paths to walk around the area.

And you can see how we have a patio with screens surrounding it.

1 comment:

千恵美 said...

New house suteki dane.Gate ga arukedo nakani hairuniha uchi mitaini bangou oshite akeruno!?Jimu ni pool ni tennis cort itsudemo undou ga dekirune.
Watashi america ni sumitaidesu.