Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Biking in Atlanta

I always planned to bike here. I knew I would have more time than in medical school and I could really get in shape and save on gas if I biked.

I live about 5.5 miles from where I work. however, the first 2 weeks I went to a different building which was 8-9 miles away. And I had no car, so I got a rather intense introduction to biking in Atlanta.

Unfortunately, biking it Atlanta is a famous for how bad it is. That goes the same for pedestrians. The train here is very sparse and doesn't go many places. Most streets, including big ones, don't have sidewalks for most of the time, and bike lanes are quite sparse.

By pure chance, possibly the only street with a bike lane around happens to be one that goes almost right from my apartment to my work. It's truly amazing. However, there is a problem with bike lanes in Atlanta.


While cars ignoring bike lanes is a problem, my biggest problem is mainly bushes and trees growing into the bike lane, or the fact it seems to just disappear at times. Or people leave their garbage and recycling in the bike lane.

Forbes recently rated Atlanta #1 worst traffic in the country. This can't be helping.

I plan to stick with it whenever it doesn't rain. Which lately, has not been enough to keep me in shape. My brakes don't work in when they are wet, so I have little choice. I do have a nice helmet and lights both on the back and front of my bike, so don't worry mom. :)

1 comment:

Susan said...

ha ha i always worry