Friday, April 1, 2011

Eating in Bolivia

So far I have loved the food here. There is a fair amount of fresh fruit and vegetables used and always a lot of flavor. Breakfast we usually have milk, tea, and bread. The bread here is not bought in loaves but in separate pieces, kind of like rolls but flat and a little larger. Sometimes we have eggs. My host mother always makes fresh juice with her blender. My host family eats quite early as they leave for work from 6 to 730 am. Lunch is the biggest meal of the day. It is often a little late, from 1 to 2pm, and is very large. It is one of the biggest cultural differences that is easy to see. Most people return home from work and eat lunch with their family, and return to work later. All of the offices I see have office hours from like 8 to 12, and 230 to 6. It is a given that there is a break for lunch. We have had several different items, some familiar and some knew. There is almost always a salsa type of spice that we can put on. It is homemade salsa and is delicious. The spice level may be too much for many Americans but for me it is often just right. They dont use too much meat either. It seems to me a fairly healthy diet. Dinner is light, often just some bread or leftovers from lunch. I have been told that due to the high altitude (we are up in the mountains) it is hard to digest at night. For me, I always like a large lunch and light dinner any ways since my stomach feels better that way in general. I have to say, the food and eating schedule seems a great fit for me.

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