Sunday, June 6, 2010

Taisei 2 months

The amount of pictures being taken has decreased a bit. Here are some from Taisei being about 9-11 weeks old.
(also on facebook)

We also have a few videos.

We believe you'll agree he is becoming cuter.

Taisei is telling me his problems. However, whenever he sees the camera he instantly gets mesmerized and becomes silent.

Caught him in a ticklish mood

Keiko LOVES these pajamas, mainly because of the little rhino feet.

Keiko likes this video... Taisei being entertained by staring at me surfing the net.


Nancy said...

Aw I can see why Keiko loves those pajamas, but I'm sure him wearing them makes them even cuter.

What a cute baby. I can't get over how adorable. I also loved the video of him laughing until the camera came in sight and then the forced laugh follows. Haha! How funny! What a great little baby you two have!

Susan said...

Grandpa T is right. He does look like Keiko's dad :)