Monday, April 12, 2010

Taisei 2-3 Weeks

Here are a few selected picture from the Taisei 2nd and 3rd weeks of life.

I have uploaded a few videos to youtube:

A family photo outside our apartment.

A Furushima 3 generation shot.

Taisei the bear with his Grandma.

Taisei in his swing from Lindsey.

Taisei with his dad.

And with his mom.

We got a nice smile from him. Too bad the focus was off...

But he was happy to hang out with Grandpa.

Here he is in his team Grandpa outfit.

He also loves to study and play with Dad.

Dad liked to give Taisei baths.

And then we play games but Taisei is a little too competitive for me.

I lose every time.

Grandma came to visit as well.

Taisei is all set for the future. He has his stethescope, surgical booties and cap, and is ready to save some lives!

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