Sunday, February 1, 2009

A car crashed into the clinic

And I don't mean just the car bumped into the building. The entire Mini Cooper went 20 feet or so through the a huge window, through the rather large waiting room and through the wall of an office. Amazingly no one was hurt. Many people were scared and crying and worried about someone being stuck under the car or something but it turned out no one was hurt. The next day, I watched an old episode of ER with Keiko. A car crashed through the ER into the hall. I'm tempted to say "like that would happen" for most things on tv, but in this case it seemed pretty realistic.


Shirley said...

Holy Cow!!! That's crazy. Well I guess now if I do ever see anything like that on T.V. I have your post to think of. That's amazing that no one was hurt. Why did the car drive into it??

Lindsey said...

Seriously?! Wow!

JeffersonJones said...

I don't really know. She wasn't intoxicated. I can only say she was old. I think she just got scared and slammed on the gas instead of the break.